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Frist i want to express that i have been praticing Kundalin since 2005, i want to pay Omage to the two teachers that i feel influnced me the most on my path in praticing, Thank you Methab anf Guru Karam who were then owners of Yoga Yoga in Austin Tx. "Although time with you ended eariler than expected i still continued to pratice, you are forever in my heart with unconditional love i bless you..Sat Nam!

I do represent a certified or registared Kundalini Yoga teacher however i do use material and information as presented by Yogi Bajhan and the Kundalini Research institute. This is because i feel that Yogi Bajhan presents the science of kundalini in its true form without any changes however i do as well follow other Teachers in the Yogic community for different levels of Bliss. For example i am also a Big fan of Professor Paramjeet Singh and his studies of the acient yogic language of Sanskrit(and it helps that he has one of the most beautiful voices in the world).

I could go on and on about my inspirations in this beautiful community but that would defeat the purpose of this page. Be blissful and happy headstands.

Welcome Fearless Warriors!

This page is for those of us that want to take our life to the next level of Bliss, I must admit i love asana and in the beginning i remember thinking( i will never be able to do these) but what i didn't know is how flexible Yoga was going to be to me.

The key to my body's relaxation was to breath and remember to smile. But what does that mean for you? Well,The same thing.

Asana-Posture(literally seat)

Asana Of The Week! 4/1/2012

Warrior Pose/Virabhadrasana 1

Time: 15 To 20 seconds

How: At the top of your mat,stand tall with feet together. Inhale then exhale and take the right leg back into a lung position, toes in the back need to be turned out while the front foot is facing forward. Grounding through the feet feel your spine emerging from your back leg into a graceful arch,lengthen the lower back by moving the sitting and tailbones towards the ground as your lower ribs broaden, then us your arms to support the opening of your heart.

TO Release:Lower the arms to your side, straighten the front leg and step forward. Then repeat on the Left side.(The asana is about building a strong base then illuminating fearlessly from that base.)


In late 2005 i had a chance to meet Donna Farhi and to my surprise she was the smallest person that i had seen prat icing yoga, but when she walked in the door her presence nearly knocked the inventory off the shelf. I was so curious to know about her and finally that weekend she attended our YYTT, when asked did anyone have any questions guess who couldn't wait to raise their hand. Everyone was in such a shock and she choose to speak with us, i kept raising my had hoping to get something from here that i could use something that would stand the test of time. After being warned that i was hogging her time ,i quietly sat in Sukhasana and before she left the conference she stopped to speak with me and signed the book that i had acquired then wished me well. I had been given what i and that something that would stand the test of time. Her signature on my manual. This week learn to sit quietly and enjoy the peace that this asana can offer you.

Sukhasana-Easy Pose,comfortable seated pose.

1.) Seated crossed legs on the bony portion of the buttocks and lift your spine as straight as possible. Place your hands on your knees with palms facing upwards.

2.) Close your eyes and relax the entire body,speaking through mind chatter to tell the parts of the body to relax.

3.) Try this for 5 minutes when first done ,then increase by 1 minutes or 5 depending on your time availability. ( Do this once a day with the intention of increasing your mental focus)


Sound is a form of energy made up of vibrations or wavelength-some wavelength have the power to heal while others are capable of breaking glass. Mantras(Sanskrit words or phrases)have the power to bring any individual to a higher state of consciousness when they are repeated during meditation.

Japa or mantra repetition not only provides you with a tangible point on which to focus your mind-it also releases the energy encased in the sound.

There are three main types of mantras, Bija (seed), Saguna (with form), and Nirguna (without form). The Bija mantras can be used individually, but are most often incorporated into Saguna mantras to invest them with a special “seed” power. The Bija mantras correlate to the 7 chakras and to the main Hindu deities. The Saguna mantras invoke the forms of the individual deities or personalised aspects of God. It is said that the recitation of the Saguna mantras gives rise to the actual form of the particular deity, thus manifesting its power.

The Nirguna mantras originate from the Vedic texts and are thus the oldest mantras of the three types. As no deities or personalized aspects of God are invoked with these mantras, they are very difficult to interpret and are considered to not have a specific form or meaning to them. These mantras are said to have their identification with all the creation, and contain the fundamental truths in yogic philosophy. It is said that the mind must be very strong to be able to concentrate on the abstract Nirguna mantras, and thus they are not recommended for beginning students .

Some of you may be interested or even fascinated by the discipline of mantra,
but feel somewhat overwhelmed by the array of mantras and disciplines, astotaras
and pujas you find in these pages. If so, then this page will be of use to
help you. This page will offer simple mantras and their common
application. These mantras address various life issues which we all face from time
to time. If you want more information or more mantras relating to the deities or
principles involved i suggest reading : A Brief Introduction to Hinduism :Religion,Philosophy,and ways of Liberation By: A.L. Herman;The Sivananda Companion to yoga; Breathing Book by Donna Far hi and really any material that will help you find your bliss.

Bellow are some basics for this section of the site.

The Om (or Aum) sign is the main symbol of Hinduism. Most religions indicate that creation began with sound-- In the beginning was the word... For the Hindus & Buddhists, Om is the primordial sound, the first breath of creation, the vibration that ensures existence. Om sign signifies God, Creation, & the One-ness of all creation.

The Om symbol is a sacred syllable representing Brahman, the impersonal Absolute - omnipotent, omnipresent, and the source of all manifest existence. Brahman, in itself, is incomprehensible; so a symbol becomes mandatory to help us realize the Unknowable. Om, therefore, represents both the unmanifest (nirguna) and manifest (saguna) aspects of God. That is why it is called Pranava, to mean that it pervades life and runs through our prana or breath.

Aum is said to be the essence of all mantras, the highest of all matras or divine word (shabda), Brahman (ultimate reality) itself. Aum is said to be the essence of the Vedas.

By sound and form, AUM symbolizes the infinite Brahman (ultimate reality) and the entire universe.

Ganesha: Om Gum Ganapatayei Namaha

Om Gum Ganapatayei Namaha X10

Rough Translation: 'Om and salutations to the remover of obstacles for which
Gum is the seed.'

Ganesha is one that you can research and also there are video's on you tube that will explain who,and what he is . But for your immediate need, you need only know that for seen or unseen obstacles which seem to be standing in the way of your progress or achievement, either specifically or generally, this mantra has proved invaluable. It has been used
with great success not only in India, but here in the West dozens of people
have related to me their success in turning things around in their life by using
this mantra.


A gesture or position, usually of the hands, that locks and guides energy flow and reflexes to the brain. By curling, crossing, stretching and touching the fingers and hands, we can talk to the body and mind as each area of the hand reflexes to a certain part of the mind or body. There are over 45 different types of Mudras in yoga.Below are examples of some that you can try whilst meditating:


GUY AN MUDRA: The tip of the thumb touches the tip of the index finger, stimulating knowledge and ability. The index finger is symbolized by Jupiter, and the thumb represents the ego. Guyan Mudra imparts receptivity & calm.

Dhyani Mudra

This is another common Mudra used during meditation. You
should place both hands on your lap like a bowl. The left hand lies in the right
hand with your thumbs touching each other. The shape of the bowl is symbolic of
you asking god to give you new energy.

Abhaya Mudra

In this Mudra you raise your right hand to chest level like
you want to wave to somebody. Your left hand is on your left thigh. This Mudra
promises freedom from fear.

Sanmukhi Mudra

This mudra allows all our sense organs to rest as we turn our gaze inwards. It is
also known as yoni mudra.

  • In a comfortable seated position place the thumbs on the ears so that you can block
    the sound.

  • Place your index fingers over your eyes and touch the sides of your nostrils with your
    middle fingers.

  • Place the ring and little fingers above and below your lips so that you symbolically
    cover your mouth.

  • Keep the elbows raised and breathe steadily. Be aware of the silence.
  • When you want to finish, relax the arms and sit in a quiet meditative position.